Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ho ho ho homeeeeee

D-day is fast approaching. Nope, I'm not talking about Christmas, I'm talking about a big ol plane that is flying to the U.S. with us on it in 24 days. The last couple weeks have been a whirlwind and now here we are a week from CHRISTMAS and three weeks from being back where people say "ya'll and buggie". I'm so ready and not ready at all. I know I don't even realize how used to China life we have gotten, and I have been trying to fathom what living in the U.S. again will be like. Weird is what I've come up with so far. But enough of my musings, on with the big plans we have.
 Once we get home we are taking a nice little 3 week vacation from all things involving work. We are hanging out with our best friends, eating, mooching off mom and dad, eating, and going on a little road trip to CT, MA, and maybe even NY with our wonderful fellow English teacher Kerry who is happily living back in the U.S. for now. We are totally stoked about all of it. After being lazy bums for awhile we are going MOVE! Woo hooo :) We are all about changing it up in this family! Our dream destination is Seattle, and, as of right now, that's the plan. We love the scenery, the shopping, and the price. Plus, if I can get my butt in gear, I want to go back to school and WA has some awesome options. So, as of  the beginning of February we will be Washingtonians ( I like made up words). It's nerve racking and super exciting all wrapped up with a big bow!
As excited (and nervous) as I am for what's ahead, these little faces remind me of all I'm leaving behind too.

Not to mention this lovely woman who has been an amazing friend to Josh and I.

And of course there's Taobao, street food, and a whole assortment of other wonderful things about this country that I'm going to lay awake at night missing too. What a life altering and perspective changing year this has been. May I never forget the beauty that lies in the East.

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